April 18th 2023 Conference Board Meeting Minutes

The Taylor County Conference Board met at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18th, 2023.

Chairperson Fitzgerald called the meeting to order. Members present: Ronald Fitzgerald, Kim Watson, Jack Beggs, Randy Kernen, Jack Spencer, Matt Churchill, Dennis Brown, Charles Ambrose, Melissa Douglas, and Monty Douglas were present.  Also present: Corey Leftwich, Brent Hinders, Alex Dornacker, Clint Spurrier and Laura Jones.

Churchill motioned to approve the agenda and the minutes for April 4th.  Melissa Douglas seconded.  MC 10-0 with all in favor.

Jones spoke during public comments.

Ambrose motioned to go into closed session under Iowa Code 21.5 (1)(c) to discuss pending litigation with an attorney.  Brown seconded.  Beggs, Brown, Watson, Douglas, Spencer, Douglas, Ambrose, Churchill, Kernen and Fitzgerald voted aye.  MC 10-0 with all in favor. 

The Board returned from closed session.  Melissa Douglas motioned to waive the 5-day notice requirement previously established by precedent, so another meeting could be held next week.  Monty Douglas seconded.  MC 10-0.

Beggs motioned to schedule the next Conference Board meeting for Wednesday, April 26th at 5:30 p.m. to vote on the candidates for the Assessor position.  Brown seconded.  MC 10-0.

Beggs motioned to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Kernen.  MC 10-0.

The Conference Board approves these minutes to be published in the Taylor County Conference Board Minute Book:

    __________________________________ Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairperson Taylor County Conference Board    __________________________________ Corey Leftwich, Preparer                Taylor County Auditor
<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>