January 12th 2023 Meeting Minutes


The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 12th, 2023.

Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, all present. Also present: Corey Leftwich, Josh Good, Rob Welsch, Jared Hershberger, Josh Weed and Justin Savage.

Beggs motioned to approve the minutes from January 5th and 9th and approve the agenda for today’s meeting. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.

There were no public comments or committee reports.

Rob Welsch and Jared Hershberger left the meeting.

Savage presented the All Systems Permit recommended to be offered in Taylor County and the recommended routes to be included. It is essentially a permit that could be obtained for $500 and 75% of the revenue brought in by the sale of these permits is returned to all the counties equally. It allows eligible trucks to increase their load limits on certain roadways. The Board decided to table the decision on approval of the program roadways until more information could be obtained.

Cole Walters, Crystal Drake and Sarah Guilliatt joined the meeting.

Savage presented the option to the Board to increase the width of the bridge by adding another beam to the bridge resulting in a potential cost of $80,000. The option was discussed to put in a low water crossing. The Board agreed that the current bridge is a legal bridge per Iowa Code, and that no additional action needs to be taken at this time.

Savage left the meeting. Michelle Wilson, Brittany Palmer, and Jess Petter joined the meeting.

Walters presented on behalf of Taylor County Partners, the status of the Connect Center as well as funding requirements to move forward in the process. He presented the grants they are currently seeking and the request for $25,000 so it could be matched with a grant from the Taylor County Endowment Fund. This would allow all the studies and designs to be completed so the project could move to the fundraising phase. The anticipated timeframe for building the center would be around 2025. The Board agreed to continue to review the feasibility of the project and a potential donation.

Cole Walters left the meeting.

Wilson with Southern IA Resource Conservation & Development presented to the Board some of the projects and initiatives they have been leading across various counties. They reported on grants they have received and some of the changes to expect in Taylor County including additional signage which will help bring awareness to the watersheds in the area. She also provided background on the programs and services they offer as well as their goals to better serve the residents of the counties. Wilson requested $5,000 for funding for the next fiscal year to fund their goals and projects. The Board agreed to review the funding request and get back to them.

Wilson left the meeting. Judy O’Grady and Jim Payne joined the meeting.

Palmer and Petter with Crossroads presented to the Board what programs and services Crossroads offers. They provide services to assist with mental health, jail prevention, and addiction prevention. They also offer many school programs for various ages to help with drug prevention. They described some of the goals they have for the year and what some of their funding requirements are. Petter requested funding in the amount of $12,000 from opioid settlement funds to start programs in the schools for drug prevention. Palmer also discussed the request for funding in an undetermined amount for training regarding mental health and substance abuse prevention and remediation through diversion programs.

Palmer, Petter, Guilliatt and Drake left the meeting. Pam Calfee, Rick Pace, Dan and Sheila Wilcoxson, and Tonya Strong joined the meeting.

O’Grady presented with the Bedford Golf Course to the Board regarding the improvements that have been made to facilities as well as adding 3 contract jobs. They reported on the positive changes that are occurring including the repayment of debt and enhancements to their offerings. They requested funding and advised how they plan to utilize those funds and that they are already taking steps to lower their expenses and improve sustainability. The Board advised they would review their request and get back to them.

O’Grady, Payne, Calfee, Pace, Wilcoxson, Wilcoxson, and Strong left the meeting. Bonnie Godden, Carla Ackley, Rick Sprague, Paul Ackley, Scott Eischeid, and Jay Lischer joined the meeting from SWCD. Leesa Lester from So. IA Trolley also joined the meeting.

Lischer presented with other members of the Conservation District to the Board with a request for funding to improve the Blockton watershed due to some of the structures being at risk. They explained their priorities for the next 3 years which includes funding requirements to cover repairs for multiple structures. Most of the repairs consist of pipe replacements as well as brush & tree removal. The Board advised they will consider their request and get back to them.

David Dukes Joined the meeting.

Lester from Southern Iowa Trolley presented the services offered to the Board, and funding requirements. She advised they were awarded a $1.6mm grant to build a new building and that they are currently working to increase their offerings in Taylor County. They are requesting a contribution of $2,500 for fiscal year 2024. The Board advised they will review their request and get back to them.

Lester left the meeting.

Dukes from the Taylor County Historical Society presented to the Board a funding request for fiscal year 2024. Dukes requested the funding amount of $5,000 to continue to be provided as in previous years. He discussed the finances of the museum and current projects underway. The Board advised they will review the request and get back to him.

The Board reviewed topics for discussion in future meetings. Watson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.

Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman, Board of Supervisors
Corey Leftwich, Auditor

<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>