December 21st 2023 Meeting Minutes


The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday,
December 21, 2023, Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson and Beggs all present. Also present: Judy Henry, Justin Savage, Rob Welch and Wendy Gold.

Watson made a motion to approve the minutes from December 12, 2023, meeting and Agenda for today. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.

Public comments:
No comments.

Committee Report:
Board of Supervisors and Auditor Henry attended the Supervisor’s District meeting in Creston on December 14, 2023.

Secondary Roads:
There were no permits to submit. Savage submitted a Purchase Agreement for parcel 60TC-3 for project STP-S-C087(60)—5E-87. Beggs motioned to approve the Purchase Agreement for parcel 60TC-3. Watson seconded the motion. MC 3-0.

New Business:
Auditor Henry presented a Class B Alcohol License for DOLGENCORP, LLC. Watson motioned to approve the Class B License. Beggs seconded the motion. MC 3-0.
Auditor Henry presented a Rental Agreement between Taylor County and Simmons Restoration, LLC for a south side garage at 507 Central, connected to the new Public Health Building. This agreement is for 6 months. Beggs made a motion to approve the lease between Taylor County and Simmons Restoration, LLC. Watson seconded the motion. MC 3-0.
Susan Swartz and Jacque Lenhart joined the Board on behalf of the Taylor County Compensation Board. The Compensation Board had met on December 13th, 2023, to discuss raises for FY24/25. The Compensation Board recommended a $5000 increase to adhere with “Back the Blue” law. They also recommended a 6% across the board raise for all departments, including the Sheriff’s Office, and to continue longevity at current rate. Swartz and Lenhart stated they hoped the Board would not cut the raise as they had in history in hopes of keeping good employees. The Board thanked the Committee for their work and will take the recommendations into consideration.
Auditor Henry presented the Board with a Certificate of Adjustment for the City of Lenox on property at ORIG EX TR 4’x7’N SI LOT 302 CORP LEN LENOX. The City of Lenox plans to turn around and resell to put the lot back on the tax rolls. Beggs made a motion to abate the taxes of $72.00 for City of Lenox, parcel #1419003302000. Watson seconded the motion. MC 3-0.
BeLinda Ogle and Shellia Culp joined the meeting to discuss generator issues with the Board. The Generator has a hole and is not running properly. Interstate Power Systems checked the issue and provided Ogle with 2 quotes on fixing the generator. The Board wanted to check pricing for a new generator since this generator was a 2007 model.

Old Business:
Shawn Culp agreed to do snow removal this year for the Courthouse.

Cole Walters joined the meeting to request funding for The Farm. The Board informed Walters per advice from County Attorney Spurrier, if the County were to help fund this type of project, they would have to form a 28-E Agreement with Taylor County Partners. The Board feels this is not what is best for all the taxpayers of Taylor County and would not want to enter into this type of agreement.

The Board reviewed and approved claims to be paid. Supervisor Watson abstained from approving the claim for painting at the Public Health building that was for Vendor Kimberly Watson.

The Board discussed future topics of discussion for future meetings.

Beggs made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.

<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>