RESOLUTION NO. 2024-01 – Resolution Accepting the Gift of Real Estate in New Market, Iowa

WHEREAS Susan Thummel and Keane Thummel own the following real estate situated in New Market, Taylor County, Iowa:

Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) in Block Four (4) in the Original Town (now City) of New Market, Taylor County, Iowa, also described as parcel nos. 1607004001000, 1607004002000, 1607004003000, and 1607004004000.

WHEREAS said Susan Thummel and Keane Thummel desire to gift this real estate to Taylor County, Iowa, so the property can be used for public purposes; and

WHEREAS the County has a current need for this property and the use of this property will benefit the County and its citizens; and

WHEREAS the Board is willing to accept the gift of this property.

IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Board that it hereby accepts the donation by Susan Thummel and Keane Thummel of the following real estate situated in New Market, Taylor County, Iowa:

Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) in Block Four (4) in the Original Town (now City) of New Market, Taylor County, Iowa, also described as parcel nos. 1607004001000, 1607004002000, 1607004003000, and 1607004004000.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the Board.

Passed and approved this 19th day of July, 2023

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