June 22nd 2023 Meeting Minutes

The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 22, 2023.  Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, all present.  Also present: Holly Cavin, Josh Good and Justin Savage.

Watson motioned to amend agenda adding public comments and a new hire for Secondary Roads. Jack Beggs seconded. MC 3-0

Watson motioned to approve the minutes from June 14th, as well as approve the agenda.  Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

Jack Elsnes spoke to the board about wind turbines in public comments. There were no committee reports.

Savage presented an update to the Board on Secondary Roads.  He advised he doesn’t have any utility permits for approval. 

Savage presented a request to the Board for the purchase of a shop hoist for Secondary Roads.  Watson motioned to approve the purchase of a Harrington Electric Hoist from Material Handling Innovations for $14,349.39. Kim motioned to approve. Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

Loren from Agriland presented a concern virtually to the Board, regarding the recent fuel quote award to R K Fuels. 

Savage requested to hire Derrin Schultz Maintenance Laborer II. Beggs motioned to approve. Watson seconded. MC 3-0

Savage presented the board with Insurance Buy Outs. The board reviewed and renewed the Insurance Buy Outs.

Raymond Olney advised the Board of concerns with noxious weeds on private land.

Good presented a request to the Board for the purchase of ethernet in courthouse. Kim motioned to approve the purchase of ethernet from Midwest Data for $36,654.00. Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

The Board decided to table the discussion on Verkada.

Good presented a request to the Board for the purchase of server and office equipment. Watson motioned to approve the purchase of server and office equipment from CDW for $2918.67. Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

The Sheriff’s Union agreement was discussed by the Board. Beggs motioned to approve the Sheriff’s Union agreement for FY24 as presented. Watson seconded.  MC 3-0.

The Board reviewed and approved property tax credit and exemption applications.  The Board reviewed and approved Insurance Buyout applications.  The Board reviewed and approved claims to be paid.

The Board reviewed topics for discussion in future meetings.  Beggs motioned to adjourn the meeting. Fitzgerald seconded.  MC 3-0.

Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman, Board of Supervisors

Corey Leftwich, Auditor

<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>