January 9th 2023 Meeting Minutes



The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in special session at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, January 9th, 2023.

Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order.  Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, all present.  Also present: Corey Leftwich, Jack Reed, and Josh Weed.

Watson motioned to go into closed session under Iowa Code 20.17 (3) to discuss Union Negotiations.  Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

Beggs motioned to come out of closed session.  Watson seconded.  MC 3-0.

Beggs motioned to go into closed session under Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (i) to discuss the results of a recent investigation.  Watson seconded.  MC 3-0.

Watson motioned to come out of closed session.  Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

The Board of Supervisors meeting was then moved back to the Courthouse as indicated on the agenda. 

Dana Davis and Shellia Culp joined the meeting.

Reed reviewed the proposed amendment to the Taylor County Employee Handbook regarding a change in the timeframe required for employees to report injuries from 24 hours to immediately.  It was discussed that the change would not result in the unemployment insurance rates increasing unless it was accompanied by a surge in approved claims resulting in above average employee absences.  Watson motioned to approve the change to the handbook as stated.  Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

Watson motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman, Board of Supervisors

Corey Leftwich, Auditor

<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>