February 23rd 2023 Meeting Minutes



The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 23, 2023. 

Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, all present.  Also present: Corey Leftwich, Josh Good, Rob Welch, Kimberly Watson, Julie Robinson, Stan Mattes, Cole Walters and Joel Hardee. 

Beggs motioned to approve the minutes from February 16th, as well as approve the agenda for today’s meeting.  Watson seconded.  MC 3-0. 

In public comments, Robinson advised that the morale in the Courthouse is at an all-time low.  Robinson proceeded to state that it is not acceptable to be allowed to verbally attack others within the Courthouse, and thanked Leftwich for his leadership and all that he is doing for the County.  Robinson also expressed concern for the snow on the sidewalk on the north side of the Courthouse and requested that the County add that portion of the Courthouse to the agreement for snow removal.  The Board agreed that the County should ensure it is removed. 

In additional public comments, Mattes made a statement about the cameras advising he talked to the treasurer and would like to see a positive outcome to the debate.  Mattes added that cameras can work for protection of office personnel. 

Mattes, Robinson and Welch left the meeting.  Savage joined the meeting.   

Watson reported on his meeting with Farm Bureau.  There were no other committee reports. 

Hardee presented to the Board, some of the work that has been done in planning for the Connect Center.  He also presented plans for Bibbins Park and how the layout would look for the potential building(s) based on their prior drawings.  Fitzgerald asked what the City of Bedford’s thoughts are, as well as the Bibbins Park Board.  Walters discussed some of the funding opportunities available if there is a partnership with Public Health, and how Taylor County Partners and Taylor County could both benefit from the partnership.  Watson asked about how it will impact the other fitness centers in the County.  Discussion continued on methods to fund the project, or move forward with what the next steps could be.  Sarah Guilliatt joined the meeting.  Guilliatt advised of the types of grants that Public Health receives for programs.  Crystal Drake joined the meeting.  The Board advised they haven’t decided anything but are reviewing options to give the greatest benefit to Taylor County.  The Board advised they will continue to review options, and possibly get a meeting together with all parties to continue the discussion. Hardee and Walters left the meeting. 

Savage answered questions regarding the All-Systems Permit.  He advised that permit projections estimate that Taylor County would receive approximately $15,000 to $20,000 a year for participating in the All-Systems Permit.  Savage advised the assessment of the bridges has not yet been completed, and Fitzgerald suggested we wait until the review of the bridges has been completed before a decision has been made.  Savage left the meeting. 

The Board reviewed and approved equipment disposal forms, to remove inventory from the County’s inventory list.   

The Board opened sealed bids received for County property.  Two bids were received for the 2002 Crown Victoria, of which the high bid was $757 to Daniel Wycoff.  One bid was received for a 3-point sprayer, which was awarded to Duane Minor for $126.  The Board advised they would like to see a written bid for the EMA generator which was only given verbally.  Watson motioned to approve the bids as stated, Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.   

Leftwich presented the SAM renewal for the County.  Leftwich provided the approximate costs of the three renewal options and advised the Board that the registration is what allows the County to receive federal funds for certain programs.  Watson motioned to approve the SAM renewal for a year, at the approximate cost $500.  Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.   

The Board reviewed the liquor license renewal request for Tampico received by the Auditor’s Office.  Beggs motion to approve liquor license renewal. Watson seconded.  MC 3-0. 

Danna Buls joined the meeting virtually. 

Buls presented on behalf of Matura, the funding request for fiscal year 2024.  Buls described some of the programs offered, and what counties are served by Matura.  Buls advised the funding request to Taylor County is for the Matura Outreach Center located in Bedford, Taylor County.  She requested funding in the amount of $25,000 to which the Board responded they will consider the request during budget time.  Buls left the meeting. 

The Board reviewed topics for discussion in future meetings.  Watson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0. 

Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman, Board of Supervisors 

Corey Leftwich, Auditor 

The Taylor County Board of Supervisors meet regularly on Thursdays beginning at 9:00 a.m.  All meetings are open to the public unless, for purposes described in Code of Iowa chapter 21, a closed meeting is necessary or advisable to protect the interests of individuals or the county.  All persons are invited to take an active role in Taylor County government. 

*Agenda appointments will need to be scheduled through the Taylor County Auditor’s Office.  The deadline for new appointments is 4:00 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to the meeting. 

<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>