November 9th 2023 Meeting Minutes

The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday,
November 9, 2023, Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, all present. Also present: Judy Henry, Rob Welch, Corey Eberling, Cole Waters and Jackie Ewart.

Watson motioned to approve the minutes from November 2, 2023, as well as the agenda for today’s meeting. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.

Public comments:
Corey Eberling, with APEX Clean Energy, gave an update on planned projects in Taylor County.

Justin Savage joined the meeting. Rob Welch left the meeting.

Committee Report:
No reports.

Jackie Minor, Ewart Insurance, reviewed updates to the County Insurance policy. The Public Health Building, 507 Central, was added costing $650. Secondary Roads added some rental equipment at a cost of $2085, the County will get a partial refund when the equipment is returned. Minor will return in January for a full review of the ICAP policy.

Crystal Drake joined the meeting.

Secondary Roads:
Savage said the crews are still working on various projects around the county. Savage presented the Board with the New Market pole building spec from Worth County Lumber, Inc. The price had increased due to material pricing. Beggs made a motion to accept the Pole Building Spec from Worth County Lumber, Inc. for $58,314.57 Watston seconded the motion. MC 3-0.

New Business
Cole Walters representing Taylor County Partners, discussed The FARM project. The grant application deadline is March 15, 2024. Pledges would need to be secured to help push the application through to be approved. He requested the Board consider help funding the project. No action was taken.

Shellia Culp joined the meeting. Culp updated the Board on various courthouse updates. She will be contacting the Taylor County Historical Society to see if they want the tables from the Courtroom.

Beggs made a motion to appoint Chase Weller to the Taylor County Eminent Domain Compensation Commission. He would be representing the Agricultural Owners and Operators. Watson seconded the motion. MC 3-0.

Watson motioned to allow Homestead Tax Credits for Jerry/Vickie Mattson and Everette/Betty Lee. Beggs seconded the motion. MC 3-0.

Watson made a motion to pay Secure Benefits Systems monthly fees. Beggs seconded. MC 3-0.

Crystal Drake joined the Board to discuss the Public Health building progress. Flooring for the education room will not be laid until after Thanksgiving. Tator’s Welding will be working on the handicap ramp. A possible move date is Monday, November 20, 2023. Drake said she is still under budget on the updates and construction.

The Board reviewed and approved claims to be paid.

The Board discussed future topics of discussion for future meetings.

The Board will meet on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, for the normal meeting and to Canvass the City/School Election results.

Sheriff Josh Weed, Treasurer Dana Davis, Engineer Justin Savage, PH Administrator Crystal Drake, Custodian Shellia Culp, Assessor Clerk Paige Beason, Auditor Judy Henry and Recorder Rick Sheley were present for the Department Head meeting.

Beggs made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Watson seconded. MC 3-0.

<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>