June 1st 2023 Meeting Minutes

The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 1, 2023.  Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, all present.  Also present: Corey Leftwich, Josh Good and Justin Savage.

Watson motioned to approve the minutes from May 25th with the revision of a typo, as well as approve the agenda for the meeting.  Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

Paige Beason presented to the Board in public comments regarding training.  Jarod Hershberger presented in public comments regarding the forum they will be hosting at Deer Ridge.  Amanda Masilko presented in public comments regarding the concern with the wind project being discussed and the wind turbine ordinance.  Kate Shafar spoke regarding the upcoming landowner forum.  Darian David expressed concern with the roads in Taylor County. 

There were no committee reports.

Savage presented updates on Secondary Roads and advised the appraisal is being done for the machine shed near New Market.  Discussion occurred regarding seal coating roadways and other maintenance throughout the County.

Chadwick Gappa and John Marchres presented for Motorola Solutions.  The presentation displayed what the radio coverage would be with enhancements to the current towers located within Taylor County and bringing them on to the P25 system.  No action was taken.

The Board discussed the Courthouse Maintenance projects in progress.  Updates were given with no action taken.

The Board reviewed and approved Homestead Credit Applications.

The Board reviewed topics for discussion in future meetings.  Watson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman, Board of Supervisors

Corey Leftwich, Auditor

<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>