April 20th 2023 Meeting Minutes



The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 20, 2023.

Supervisor Fitzgerald called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Supervisor roll call: Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, all present.  Also present: Corey Leftwich and Justin Savage.

Beggs motioned to approve the minutes from April 14th and 17th, as well as approve the agenda for the meeting.  Watson seconded.  MC 3-0.

Questions were posed to the Board about the format of the upcoming meeting where they will discuss the wind turbines.  The Board advised they are working on implementing the appropriate format so that all concerns may be voiced fairly.

Savage advised there are no utility permits for approval.  He responded to the request for brush and tree clearing along J55, East of Quail by advising he will work it into the schedule as soon as reasonably practicable.  Savage also asked the Board for their thoughts on adding a route to the All-Systems Permit.  The Board advised they agree to adding the route and it will be updated on the DOT website once the signs are posted and the routes are added to the permit system.  Savage also presented the proposal to the Board for the Weed Commissioner position to which the Board agreed to accept applications.

Savage presented the Secondary Roads Union Contract Amendment to the Board. The amendment was based on wage discussions that occurred in prior meetings.  Watson motioned to approve the amendment as stated, to be effective July 1st, 2023.  Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0. 

Beggs motioned to go into closed session under Iowa Code 21.5 (1)(i) to discuss an employee evaluation.  Watson seconded.  Fitzgerald, Watson, Beggs, aye.  MC 3-0.  The Board returned from closed session with no action taken.

Jo Adams with the Walking Trail Extension Committee presented a request for funding to the Board.  Adams requested $10,000 to help fund the next phase of the project.  The Board advised they will check with their County Attorney about the possibility of providing that funding and will get back with Adams as soon as they know more.

The Board went and looked at various parts of the Courthouse to see what repairs they would like to discuss in future meetings.  No action was taken during this time.

The Board reviewed topics for discussion in future meetings.  Watson motioned to adjourn the meeting. Beggs seconded.  MC 3-0.

Ronald Fitzgerald, Chairman, Board of Supervisors

Corey Leftwich, Auditor

<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>