November 17th 2022 Meeting Minutes

Board of Supervisor’s Meeting – November 17th, 2022
Wilmarth called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Supervisor roll call: Wilmarth, Horton, Fitzgerald, all present. Also present: Corey Leftwich, Kim Watson, Jack Beggs, Rob Welsch and Matt Strueby.
Horton motioned to approve the agenda and minutes for 11/10 and 11/14, seconded by Fitzgerald. MC 3-0. Fitzgerald motioned to approve the minutes for 11/15. MC 2-0.
Watson reported in public comments that there is a shortage of retaining blocks that could be used for a retaining wall at 203 Main Street, and that they will not be available until late summer. The Board advised they are currently seeking alternate sources.
Strueby inquired in public comments about the possibility of tax abatements for rural properties located within Taylor County. The Board advised they are not aware of any current tax abatements being offered but that they will review available options for one with the county attorney.
Justin Savage joined the meeting. Savage reported on the condition of Secondary Roads, and that they have been doing ditch and tree clearing. He advised they have partnered with Clark County to review more cost-effective methods to build bridges in Taylor County and was able to view bridge construction in Jackson Township as part of the review.
Leftwich advised that his office received a request for recount for the Auditor of State race and discussed the process that entails. As part of the recount, the Board of Supervisors must approve the request. Fitzgerald motioned to approve the recount, seconded by Horton. MC 3-0.
The Board received a request to renew the liquor license for the Bedford Golf Club. Horton motioned to approve the liquor license renewal, Fitzgerald seconded. MC 3-0.
The Board reviewed and approved Homestead Tax Credit Applications.
The Board reviewed the 2023 holiday schedule for Taylor County which included a proposal for two new holidays to be recognized. Horton motioned to approve the schedule, seconded by Fitzgerald. MC 3-0.
The Board reviewed and approved “flex benefits” for county employees for an increase in limits to 2022 IRS maximums of $2,850 for the Health Care FSA. Fitzgerald motioned to approve the benefits with an increase in maximum and all other program details remaining the same, seconded by Horton. MC 3-0.
Nick Fhering called in to provide an update on the Conservation Technician job posting. He reported four individuals were interviewed with Ian Carlson being selected for the position at a rate of $39,000.00 annually. Horton motioned to hire Ian Carlson for the position, seconded by Fitzgerald. MC 3-0. Fhering advised he wishes to table the discussion on purchasing additional property for the Conservation Department until next week.
David Frank with ArcaSearch, LLC joined the meeting to provide an update on the digitization of courthouse documents. He advised the digitization process will be starting around March and will last approximately 4-6 weeks. He reported his firm will be looking to potentially hire 2 local employees to assist with the project.
Taylor County Attorney Clint Spurrier joined the meeting to address tax abatement questions raised by Strueby. The Board will review options for the possible implementation of a tax abatement and discuss it in future meetings.
The Board discussed agenda items for next meeting. Horton made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Fitzgerald seconded. MC 3-0.
Pam Wilmarth, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors; Attest: Corey Leftwich, Acting Auditor

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