November 10th 2022 Meeting Minutes

Board of Supervisor’s Meeting – November 10th, 2022
Wilmarth called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Roll call: Wilmarth, Horton, Fitzgerald, all present. Corey Leftwich, Rob Welsh, Kim Watson and Justin Savage were also present.
The Board reviewed the agenda and minutes. Fitzgerald motioned, seconded by Horton to approve the agenda and minutes. MC 3-0.
The Board reviewed the minutes from the latest Veterans Affairs meeting. Fitzgerald reported on the latest Atura meeting and Wilmarth reported on the latest Resource Conservation and Development area meeting.
Justin Savage discussed the performance bond for the Conway bridge. After reviewing the performance bond, Horton made a motion, Fitzgerald seconded, to approve the performance bond. MC 3-0.
Justin Savage reported on Secondary Roads’ plans and inventory in preparation for winter and discussed road conditions.
Sarah Guilliatt joined the meeting to discuss the layout for 203 Main Street. The Board discussed changes to the plans for the basement to make it more durable.
The Board discussed Public Health storage. Horton made a motion, seconded by Fitzgerald, to approve the storage of Public Health furniture at the Blockton location for $300 a month. MC 3-0.
The Public Health bid packet was discussed by the Board and it was determined they would attach notes to the bid packet with additional requirements. The Board advised they wish to place the bid notice in next week’s paper. Horton motioned to approve the bid packet with an addendum describing additional requirements, Fitzgerald seconded, MC 3-0.
The Board reviewed the quote for the Document Locator subscription and license renewal. Fitzgerald motioned, Horton seconded, to approve the renewal. MC 3-0.
The Board opened sealed bids for the Public Health van previously advertised. Horton motioned, Fitzgerald seconded, to approve sale of the van to Josh Good for $350.00. MC 3-0.
The Conservation Director advised they will need to postpone the agenda item until next week.
The Board reviewed and approved the Secure Benefits invoice and claims to be paid.
The Board discussed agenda items for next meeting. Horton made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Fitzgerald seconded, MC 3-0.
Pam Wilmarth, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
Attest: Bethany Murphy, Auditor

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