January 7th 2021 Meeting Minutes

January 7, 2021
The Taylor County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with Doug Horton, Ron Fitzgerald, Pam
Wilmarth, and Auditor Bethany Murphy present.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to approve the minutes of last meeting and todays
agenda. Motion carried 3-0.
JD King joined the meeting to update the Board on road projects, crews are hauling sand and others
are cutting brush.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to approve Resolution 2021-12 approving the
construction evaluation. Motion carried 3-0.
Sue Cox joined the meeting to discuss health insurance numbers for FY22. A single policy increased
$70.00 and the family policy increased by $159.00. After much discussion the Board will continue to
fully fund a single health insurance policy and increase the portion paid by employee for family
insurance by $40.00.
Wilmarth made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to increase the insurance buy out from $190.00 to
$225.00 starting in FY 2022. Motion carried 3-0. The Board approved the claims to be paid.
No further business came before the Board at this time, and the meeting was adjourned subject to
call. Attest: Doug Horton, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
Bethany Murphy, Taylor County Auditor

<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>