September 29th 2022 Meeting Minutes

September 29, 2022

Supervisor Wilmarth called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

The Board stood and said the pledge of allegiance.

Roll call Supervisors: Horton, Fitzgerald, and Wilmarth and Auditor Bethany Murphy. Also, present Belinda Ogle.

Horton made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to approve the agenda for today’s meeting and the minutes to the last meeting with a change in one sentence.  Motion carried 2-0.

There were no public comments.

Wilmarth reported on the Mental Health Meeting she attended. 

Fitzgerald gave a report on the Crossroads Mental Health and the Matura meetings he attended.

Belinda Ogle was present to present the bid packet for project L-C087(JA10)—73-87.  Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to approve the bid letting for project L-C087(JA10)—73-87.  Motion carried 3-0.

Ogle presented a utility permit for SIRWA in Benton township to bore under the road.  Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Horton to approve the utility permit for SIRWA. Motion carried 3-0.

The Board approved the claims to be paid.

Conservation Director Nick Fehring joined the meeting to present his Annual Report.  The Board will approve on next Thursday.   

Auditor Murphy let the Board know that Secure Benefits is changing the monthly fee from $4.50 to $6.50.

 Horton made a Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Horton to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried 3-0.

Pam Wilmarth, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors

Attest: Bethany Murphy, Auditor

<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>