March 7th 2022 Meeting Minutes

March 7, 2022
Supervisor Wilmarth called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
The Board stood and said the pledge of allegiance
Roll call Supervisors: Fitzgerald and Wilmarth and Auditor Bethany Murphy.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to approve the agenda for today’s meeting and the minutes to the last meeting. Motion carried 2-0
There were no public comments.
There were no committee reports.
The Board approved the monthly payment to Secure Benefits for $7,321.47.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to open the public hearing on the max levy hearing. Motion carried 2-0.
There were no written or oral objections.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to close the public hearing. Motion carried 2-0.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to approve Resolution 2022-11 approving the Max Levy for FY23 budget. Motion carried 2-0.
The Board set the public hearing on the budget for March 21, 2022, for 10:00 a.m.
Horton joined the meeting via telephone.
IT Director Tom Williams joined the meeting.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to go into closed session for an IT interview. Motion carried 3-0.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to come out of closed session. Motion carried 3-0.
The Board spoke with Crystal Drake, Public Health Director on the sewer gas smell in the office. The Board instructed her to call as soon as the smell has come back. The Board also spoke to Drake about the budget for the new building and the Board would set the budget for the new building at $225,000.00 this figure includes the $70,000.00 purchase price.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Wilmarth to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 3-0.
Pam Wilmarth, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
Attest: Bethany Murphy, Auditor

<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>