May 19th 2022 Meeting Minutes

May 19, 2022
Pam Wilmarth called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.
Roll call Supervisors: Horton, Wilmarth, and Fitzgerald and Deputy Auditor Sue Cox.
Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to approve the agenda for today’s meeting and the
minutes to the last meeting. Motion carried 3-0
There were no public comments. Committee reports:
Wilmarth asked Fitzgerald to attend a Hungry Canyons meeting on June 10 at 9:00 a.m. for her. He
said he would.
Justin Savage joined the meet at 9:08.
Utility permit for water main north out of Lenox for Lenox Utilities up to anhydrous plant.
Fitzgerald motion Horton seconded to approve. Motion carried 3-0
A branch from the Courthouse lawn fell onto the Veteran’s memorial on the northeast corner of the
courtyard. The Board asked Justin if the Secondary Roads guys could assist with removal of this
limb. Justin said that once they get their budget, Iowa Code states it must be Secondary Roads that
the money is spent on.
Justin brought policies that were approved several years ago to have approval today. 50% buyout of
sick leave for employees that started prior 7/1/2003. Union Contract, General Safety Policy,
Transfer, layoff, authorized absence policy, and drug and alcohol policy. Tabled approval for a
week so the Board can read through what they received this morning prior to the approval.
Crystal Drake and Sarah Guilliatt joined the meeting.
Horton opened public meeting for Community Development & Housing Needs Assessment and CDBG at 10:05


A. Explain how the need for the activities was identified.
• The need for the proposed Public Health Department project is to bring the Taylor County Public
Health Services under one roof so that clients can go one please to receive services and it will
allow the employees to better coordinate those services. This project will also allow additional
services to be provided to clients.

B. Explain how the proposed activities will be funded and the sources of funds.
• The project will be funded with a combination of CDBG funds and funds from the County. It is
estimated that total project costs will be $333,713.00 plus $20,000 for Grant Administration.

C. Announce the date the CDBG application will be submitted to the State.
• The grant application will be submitted to the Iowa Economic Development Authority no

than June 30, 2022, at midnight.

D. Announce the requested amount of federal funds.
• The County is requesting $353,713.00 in CDBG funds for the proposed project.

E. Announce the estimated portion of funds that will benefit low-and-moderate income persons.
• The project will result in a County-wide benefit and based on a survey conducted in May 2022,
59.2% of the clients accessing Public Health service are of low-and-moderate income.

F. Announce where the proposed activities will be conducted.
• The proposed project activities will take place at 203 Main Street in Bedford, Iowa.

G. Announce plans to minimize displacement of persons and businesses resulting of funded
• The proposed project will not result in the displacement or relocation of any persons or

H. Announce plans to assist persons actually displaced.
• No persons will be displaced by the proposed project.

I. Announce the nature of the proposed activities.
• The nature of the proposed project involves the renovation of a vacant building so that the
services provided by Taylor County Public Health can be in one building and enable them to provide
additional services to their clients.

10:27 Fitzgerald motion Horton seconded to close the public hearing with no public or comments at
10:27 a.m.

Nick Fehring, Conservation Director, joined the meeting.

Crystal asked the Board to have someone mow the Main Street building. After discussion,
Conservation will swing over and mow since there are 2 small areas to mow.

Crystal and Sarah also discussed they are working on grants in the office. Their First Five grant
has been cancelled so they are not sure when that will be available to resubmit or if they will
require it to be.

Nick Fehring asked for approval of hiring Zoie Lecy to the conservation tech/sanitarian position
effective tomorrow, May 20, 2022. Horton motioned Fitzgerald seconded Motion carried 3-0

Nick also discussed a project they are doing with Lenox school at Wilson Lake with the University
of Iowa. It is a great project that the kids seem to love to do. He is looking into trying to get
the opportunity to for the Bedford school as well.

Cole Walters and Jackie Minor from Taylor County Partners joined the meeting to discuss a Rec
Center to be built in Bedford. They showed plans for the children play area and multi-purpose room
and revamping the pool for the first phase. There is a basketball court and indoor walking track
also planned for the rec center in the future. Deputy Cox asked how much the City was giving
towards this project and Cole said zero at this time. They are asking the County to pay $5,000 of
the $10,468 for the Consumer Insight

Research Study. There are two more stages (approximately $15,947) after stage two. Wilmarth thought
the county would be able to provide this but since it was not on the agenda it will be tabled until
the next meeting, May 26.

Josh Good and Tom Williams joined the meeting to give the Board updates on the IT department. The
server has gone down at the Sheriff office. They are working several hours with public health and
their new laptops and getting them ready to move to the EMA building. Tom will be leaving May 31,
2022 and Josh will be taking over. Tom will still be available for questions, if needed. Tom and
Josh talked about Internet Explorer will be at end of life 6/17/22. We have Sheriff office and
Treasurer office that has programs that only work with Internet Explorer. There has been discussion
on the “end of life” what that exactly means and how it will affect these programs. There will be
more discussion. They discussed they have investigated a more secure email system and will find
prices to bring to the Board to move this forward per Board request.

28E agreement with ISAC for employee health insurance was reviewed. Resolution 2022-21 Horton
motioned, and Fitzgerald seconded to approve the 28E agreement.
No old business.

Discussed and reviewed agenda items for meeting on May 26, 2022.
Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 3-0.
Pam Wilmarth, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
Attest Sue Cox, Deputy Auditor

<a href=""/>Meeting Agenda</a>