June 23rd 2022 Meeting Minutes

June 23, 2022
Supervisor Wilmarth called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
Roll call Supervisors: Horton, Fitzgerald, and Wilmarth and Auditor Bethany Murphy. Also, present
Kim Watson and Justin Savage
Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to approve the agenda for today’s meeting and the
minutes to the last meeting. Motion carried 3-0
There were no public comments.
Horton reported on the Adams Taylor Landfill meeting he attended.
The Board discussed the Engineer Contract. Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to approve
the Engineer Contract. Motion carried 3-0.
Savage presented the bids for fuel. The bids include 15,000 of gas, 80,000 of #2 diesel and 20,000
of #1 diesel. MFA Oil bid $449,554.00, Agriland FS $450,004.00 and RK Fuel $445,669.00. Fitzgerald
made a motion seconded by Horton to approve the fuel bid from RK Fuel for $445,669.00. Motion
carried 3-0.
The Board tabled the decision on hiring a Maintenance Operator 1. The Board approved the claims to
be paid.
Savage presented a two utility permits for SIRWA in Clayton Township. Fitzgerald made the motion
seconded by Horton to approve the utility permits for SIRWA in Clayton Township.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Horton to renew the Environmental Services Agreement. Motion
carried 3-0.
Horton made a motion seconded by Fitzgerald to approve the Liquor License for the Taylor County
Fair. Motion carried 3-0.
Sarah Guilliatt and Crystal Drake joined the meeting for a Public Health update. They also
discussed the white taurus car that will not start. The Board will take sealed bids for the white
Jackie Minor from Ewart Insurance joined the meeting to talk insurance. She quoted taking the older
vehicles to liability only and the maintainers and some of the building to replacement cost. The
quote for liability and property insurance for FY23 is $210,710.00. The Board approved the new
quote with the changes in coverage.
The Board made a phone call to Chris Newhouse who was interested in some tax certificates. The
Board decided they are not interested in abating any of the taxes or interest.
Shellia Culp joined the meeting to update the Board on getting the clock fixed.
Fitzgerald made a motion seconded by Horton to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 3-0. Pam
Wilmarth, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
Attest: Bethany Murphy, Auditor

<a href="https://www.taylorcounty.iowa.gov/meetings/july-2nd-2024-meeting-agenda/"/>Meeting Agenda</a>